Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies is quite busy gathering one million signatures to request a change in the Egyptian constitution. The request will be submitted to the People’s Assembly thus seeking to provide an opportunity for those who wish to run for the presidency.
An example of Christian self-critique with a article from a Christian publication attacking George Bush’s (commonly seen as a staunch Christian) policy on the treatment of detainees (most of whom are Muslim).
There has been a long-standing, highly ambiguous, relationship between the U.S. and Islamist groups. Under the Clinton administration, the American position was that these groups, as long as they did not resort to violence, have the right to exist and be lawfully presented. After the attacks of...
This contempt and disrespect for Islam and Muslims are nothing but a manifestation of the Zionist teachings as mentioned in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The protocols mentioned that they would control the strongest country in the world and dominate over the minds of its army’s generals....
Finally, one year after the United States of America announced the so-called renewal of religious discourse, Mr. Bush was able to achieve what he wanted. Our Prime Minister, God forgive him, surprised us with a shocking decree which he dictated to governors in their last assembly. The decree, which...
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