Displaying 1 - 10 of 31.
The Egyptian General Book Authority, headed by Dr. Haytham Al- Haj ʿAlī, recently published a book entitled "The National Bet …A Press History of the Rule of the Muslim Brotherhood" by Wafāʾ Ṣanadi. The author wrote articles and chapters of this book in conjunction with the fast pace of events in...
 The Egyptian General Ministry of Books published Laylā Takalā’s book titled “Our Shared Islamic-Christian Heritage.” The book carries a message of tolerance, coexistence, and peace. The book is meant to be a guide for those who are not familiar with Islam but reject it out of ignorance rather than...
The General Egyptian Agency for Books recently published an edition of its “Societal Sciences” series called “From the Secret Archives of Egyptian Culture” by Ghālī Shukrī. In the book introduction Ghālī writes, “this book is merely a drop in the sea in terms of the errors and crimes that the...
Following in the footsteps of previous publication "Mohamed Peace be Upon Him, the Greatest of the Great in the World," a book disdaining Christianity named "Al-Wahy Al-Mohamadi" was published using Muslim and Christian taxpayers' money. The book sells at the subsidized price of 4 EGP. Many people...
Translation throughout the Arab world is discussed, in particular the difficultly in marketing and distributing translated works.
The article sheds light on the issue of translation in the Arab world. All of the observers admitted that there is a problem with translation in the Arab world. The majority of them attributed it to financial factors, but many of them also claimed that the low level of education is a significant...
Signs of a new crisis between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Culture because of a new book issued by the General Egyptian Book Organization entitled, ’Min Dalā’il ‘Azamah al-Risālah al-Muh...
Robeir al-Faris discusses a recently published book entitled, ‘Evidence of the Greatness of Mohamed’s Message and Prophesies of it in the books of the People of the Book,’ written by Mohamed al-Sadat. He considers the message presented in the book, specifically the offenses that it present against...
Al-Faris considers the trend of media censorship, and highlights a number of publications that have struggled with the limitations on their freedom of expression.
Some clerics - shaykhs and priests - have suddenly turned into experts in economics, sociology, chemistry and physics as well as politicians who advise people to follow their opinions through Fatāwá, the observance of which is obedience to God and their breach considered apostasy.


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