Displaying 1 - 10 of 122.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), an American governmental commission monitoring religious freedom all around the world, claimed that in the last year Iranian state authorities stepped up repression of non-Shia Muslim, especially Sufi and Sunnite and other religious ...
The “Coordinating Citizenship” Program, which includes Coptic activists, party-members, and parliamentarians, issued a statement in which it affirmed its rejection of the special visit conducted by the Committee on Religious Freedoms of the U.S. State Department to Egypt. They also rejected...
President of the National Council for Human Rights, Mr. Muḥammad Fāyiq, hosted a delegation from the Committee on International Religious Freedoms of the U.S. State Department in the Council’s headquarters in Giza today (Wednesday).
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) expressed its concern about the status of religious minorities and religious freedoms in Egypt. USCIRF's 2013 Annual Report stated despite the progress made by the transitional government in advancing religious freedoms, and a...
U. S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Chairman Robert P. George said that the religious situation in Egypt has “complicated' over the past year, although President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi made 'noteworthy' statements to urge religious reform.
The U.S. State Department’s International Religious Freedoms report grilled the ruling authorities in Egypt, which, it said, caused religious freedom violations, adding Egypt, the heart of the Arab Spring, has seen hope turning into panic after human rights deteriorations under the Supreme Council...
Mustafá opens with a story about famous Egyptian writer, Anīs Mansūr. The moral of the story is that people in Egypt have been made to follow religious, political and cultural leaders blindly. He says that the average Egyptian has lost the ability to form his/her own personal opinion. He criticizes...
Egyptian opinions varied on the annual International Religious Freedom report issued by the United States Department of State. The report claims that that minorities, such as Copts and Bahā’īs, are regularly discriminated against. Coptic activist Najīb Jabrā’īl praised the report and said that the...
The article says that Egypt received the lowest mark in religious freedom according to the International Religious Freedom report issued by the United States Department of State. The report criticized the government’s discrimination against Copts in particular, along with Bahā’īs and Shiites. The...


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