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The Arabic or Islamic conquest of Egypt in 639-642 CE had far-reaching consequences. Discussions of this historical event play a major role in modern Muslim-Christian discussions.
The Faculty of Comparative Religion at the University of Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia, invited Cornelis Hulsman to present his work in Egypt to students on the 9th of February, 2018. Hulsman’s lecture covered the following subjects: - Introduction of Dutch sociologist Cornelis Hulsman, Drs., director of...
Background: Islamic preacher Yūsuf al-Badrī talked about the characteristics of a preacher and the sources of legislation in Egyptian society. He also talked about the case of liberal Islamic thinker, Naṣr Abū Zayd and criticized his books. The questions were asked and answered in Arabic. For more...
Dr. Isaac Fānūs freely spoke his mind about the issues he found important. Dr. Fānūs was critical about ecclesiastical institutions and leadership, including those in his own Coptic Orthodox Church. In this interview religions are described as societal entities that humans have created and...
Jamāl Badāwī refers to the importance of a book by Coptic historian Sawirus Ibn al- Muqaffac entitled, ‘Tārīkh alĀbā’ al-Batārikah’ [The History of Patriarchs]. The book presents a clear picture of the relationship between Copts and Muslims during the early Islamic state.
A supplement published by the mouthpiece of the Ghad Party, al-Ghad newspaper, entitled "The worst 10 figure in Islamic history," has provoked strong public reaction and led Islamic lawyer, Mamdūh Ismā‘īl, to sue the newspaper. The list of names included some of the prophet’s companions and ‘...
A Coptic researcher refutes the allegations of those who deny the existence of a Coptic era in Egyptian history.
The author criticizes calls made by Islamic writer Dr. Muhammad ‘Umāra for the return of an Islamic caliphate under the Muslim Brotherhood. He cites opinions by some scholars who argue that the caliphate belongs only to the history books and can never be applied in contemporary times.
A seminar was held at the church of St. Mena in the district of Foum Al-Khaleg, Cairo under the title “The Coptic language and culture…How did they die out and how to revive them?” A debate developed between those who stress that the Coptic language disappeared as a result of the Islamic conquest...
Na‘oum Bik Shuqayr, who wrote about the history of Sinai in 1916, said that Fatimid Caliph al-Hākim bi Amr Allāh ordered the demolition of the monastery in 1008. The Caliph sent a company to carry out his orders but the soldiers were told by monks there that there was a mosque inside the compound....
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