Displaying 301 - 310 of 350.
Were the applications of our Islamic civilization free from negative elements, from differentiation between majorities and minorities? Treason of Christians in the time of the Mongols led to the destruction of their houses by Muslims.
Non-Moslems enjoyed the rights of complete citizenship in the state of Islam that was there one thousand years ago. We hope the world remembers this great history of Islam so we do not hear any more of ethnic cleansing.
For how long will Americans try to blackmail Islamic governments and people and interfere in an unacceptable way in local affairs asks the author.
Raising rumors about miracles is a continuous phenomenon for Jews. They use such things in order to reach certain religious and political goals, especially in times of historical crises.
The author of this article argues that the Jews are using stories in the Torah (which he regards as myths) to arouse the religious enthusiasm of the Jews and direct it to serve the goal of making Jerusalem Jewish, and fulfilling the goal of making it the eternal capital of Israel.
I cannot figure out until when Americans will continue to try to blackmail Islamic governments and people interfering in an unacceptable way in local affairs. A few days ago, the American Foreign Ministry issued a weird report speaking about the status of the religious minorities in some Islamic...
Jews believe the appearance of a red cow is related to the signs of the Day of judgment and the reconstruction of Solomon’s temple. But they have found that cow they found had not all the qualifications of the red cow.
Pope Shenouda said about the Copts "The Copts who live under the cover of the Islamic jurisprudence are much happier and safer."
The Ministry of Social Affairs had closed the feminist association that was headed by Dr. Nawal Al-Sadawi in 1991. She has come back in order to establish an Egyptian feminist league in Egypt but the minister declared she had not approved it.
Israeli extremism is usually connected to Jewish religious origins. The author quotes Joshua 1: 1-7 and Deuteronomy 20: 10-17 and says these are the principles Israeli extremists apply word by word.


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