Displaying 331 - 340 of 350.
Members of parliament asked for more clarification concerning the issue of the curriculum produced by the Ibn Khaldoun Centre that was supposedly accepted and approved by the Minister of Education Dr. Hussein Kamal Bahaa’ Eddin.
An answer to an article written in Al-Ahram on May 5, 1999 by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud in which he said that intercession [by the Prophet Mohammed for Muslims on the Day of Judgment] is not valid and this is because the holy verses [in the Qur’an] contradict the Hadith.
Dr. Hussein Kamel Bahaa’ Eddine, Minister of Education is to be questioned concerning the suggested religious and national curriculum made by the Ibn Khaldoun Center. The question session is expected to be held on May 15-16, 1999.
More protest against the curricula development project at the Ibn Khaldoun Centre. The anonymous author lists that he regards as the three focal points of the Center’s policies.
The issue of Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin’s book "The father of Adam" still remains one of great controversy between scholars and theologians. Dar Al-’Aloum (the Faculty of Arabic Language and Literature) at Cairo University held a symposium to discuss the contents of the book.
The Cairo Court for Urgent Cases will hold a hearing on May 4 on the lawsuit filed against Dr. Abd Al-Sabbour Shahin to stop the publication of his book "My Father Adam. Al-Azhar authorities called for the banning of a book by a Saudi author.
The Governor of Northern Sinai is working to make the anniversary celebrations of the entry of Islam to Egypt consistent with the holiness of the event honoring the receiving of Islam and its armies.
According to Dr. Abd Al-Sabour Shahin Adam was not the first created man on earth and paradise was just an earthly garden. The article doesn’t add information to previously translated articles.
In response to the western allegations: Egypt has embraced all three religions, the Synagoge and the Church are side by side with the mosque.
Dar Al-Ifta, the state’s religious authority which issues legal decrees, received Christians seeking advice on matters of inheritance and wills.


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