Displaying 751 - 760 of 1216.
Bishop Yuhanna Qultah, the deputy patriarch of the Coptic Catholics and a representative of the Egyptian churches in the constituent assembly writing a new constitution for Egypt, announced the withdrawal of the three churches from the panel.
The Coptic Orthodox Church has played a historical role, aided by Egypt’s wisdom and moral and spiritual ethics, in the openness and pluralism of the Egyptian culture and even gave the Egyptian genius an added value.
Coptic clerics and intellectuals confirmed that the delay in the visit of the president Dr. Muhammad Mursī, to the Church so far may be caused by the church's preoccupation with the papal elections for the selection of the new pope.
All eyes are set today (November 18) on the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-ʿAbbāssīya to follow up the church’s celebrations of the enthronement of Bishop Tawāḍrūs II as the 118th Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church in succession of Pope Shinūdā III, who passed away in March, to be...
Bishop Armiyā, secretary of late Pope Shenouda III, said it was the Holy Synod that picked Bishop Pachomius as acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, wondering why Bishop Pachomius should be relieved now. 
The church had commenced on Monday (October 1) fasting for three days to pray for the smooth election of the 118th pope of the See of Saint Mark. 
Representatives of the Christian denominations in Egypt on Monday (October 1) launched the Egypt Churches Council in a bid to unify ideas and positions, discuss developments in Coptic circles and coordinate stances on all issues, including the constituent assembly drafting a new Egyptian...
The emergence of a first draft constitution raised hue and cry in political circles as Dr. Yāsir Burhāmī, Vice-Chairman of the Salafī Da’wah (Call) and member of the Mainstays Committee in the constituent assembly writing a new constitution for Egypt, said that the draft does not express what has...
Minister of Education Ibrāhīm Ghunaym said the syllabi, designed by specialized research centers in association with the civil society organizations, are as sacred as constitutions, noting those syllabi have never been and will never be drawn up by any political party.
No one expected the five names announced by Bishop Pachomius and no observer anticipated that candidates in the weight of Bishop Bīshūy, Secretary of the Holy Synod, know for being an iron man, Bishop Yu’annis, the Secretary of Pope Shenouda III, or Bishop Baphnotius, known as the revolutionary...


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