Displaying 71 - 80 of 216.
The article discusses a plan to further develop Coptic Studies at Claremont Graduate University, and points to a number of individuals, students and Coptic figures, who both support the program and see the potential for increasing Coptic awareness around the globe.
A review of a showcase of Coptic Iconic art held in Paris. The ’Icones Coptes’ show displayed 52 icons by 17 artists from the Fanūs School of Iconic art.
Al-Mūjī describes the dirty road leading to an artistic and spiritual monument; Sim‘ān al-Kharrāz Church in the center of Cairo. While she praises the beauty of the place, she blames the government for not maintaining its surroundings.
There are a number of icons that have been taken to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles and are on display there. The author reminds us that an icon serves as an important window for faith and is more than simply a picture that is used to teach the holy stories.
Held in Paris recently, the conference, which witnessed no official Egyptian participation for 30 years now, called for putting the Coptic antiquities on the Egyptian tourist map and recommended the establishment of independent departments of Coptology at Egyptian universities
A description of a visit to the Convent of St. Dimyānah on the Occasion of the festival of Saint Dimyānah whereby Metropolitan Bīshūy provided the delegation with a detailed explanation of Coptic traditions related to the convent. Dr. Picard noted differences between the way Metropolitan Bīshūy and...
The author continues his series of articles on Dr. Isaac Fānūs, and highlights his contributions to Coptic iconography as well as providing more information about his personal life.
AWR’s last interview with the late Dr. Isaac Fānūs. Comments on self-censorship, such as that of Dr. Otto Meinardus’ differences in writing and saying, which makes it hard for students of the church in Egypt to get a good understanding of the church’s position. Father Basilius of the Monastery of...
The author discusses Coptic heritage, and Coptic traditions in the West, particularly in Russia. He highlights the fact that many Russian’s consider themselves Orthodox Christians.
The article discusses Isaac Fanous’ contributions to Christian art and iconography.


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