Displaying 11 - 20 of 47.
The author discusses the issue of the ordination of women in various Christian denominations and traditions.
The article is an interview with Monsignor Marco Dino Brogi, the Vatican ambassador to Egypt. The author gives a brief introduction of him and asks him about the stand of Pope John Paul II towards the US-led war in Iraq.
An overview of the life and beliefs of St. Thomas Aquinas.
The Dominican order affected Father George Qanawati and his efforts in the field of inter-religious dialogue. He was a prominent philosopher who defended Islam and other religions. He was able to enter history through his belief that dialogue between religions and cultures is necessary.
The monastery of the Dominican fathers in Cairo contains the largest Islamic library in Egypt. It contains 90,000 books on Islam, history, religious sciences and other sciences that can be used for conducting researches.
The Administrative Court has ordered the cancellation of the governor of Alexandria’s decision to stop the demolition of Saint Clair’s Monastery .
The Vatican apostolic delegate to Egypt says that the Vatican is independent from Italy although it is located in Italy. He speaks about the relations between Egypt and the Vatican. He highlights the importance of dialogue and the role the Vatican plays on the international level.
The letter calls for a two state solution; Israel and Palestine, calls resistance against occupation justified but denounces violent methods of resistance.
The Vatican announced that the former patriarch of the Roman Catholic Church in Zimbabwe, who was expelled from the church for breaking an oath not to marry, is planning to return to the church.
The book of "His holiness John Paul II, and the secret history of our time" mentions that there are relations between the pope and the CIA. Communist intelligence needed the book to realize the connection between the pope and the CIA, as they know that participating in demolishing communist systems...


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