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The sycamore tree, which is believed to have given shade to the Holy Family during their journey into Egypt, has become a renowned landmark and a tourist site.
Some claim that the customs of mausoleums and ’Mulids’ (an Egyptian custom of celebrating the birthday or death day of a deceased religious figure in Egypt) go back to the days of the Fatimid Empire. However, the truth is that these innovations go back to the days of the ancient Egyptians.
It was called Theb Nethr in Pharaonic times when it was the political capital of the twelfth province of the Delta. Today, Samanud is better known as one of the sites visited by the Holy Family during the Flight into Egypt.
Preparations are currently underway to celebrate the passage of 2,000 years since Christ’s birth. The preparations are being made by the Coptic Church and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.


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