Displaying 21 - 30 of 69.
The administrative court issued a decree that allows fired priest Andraous Aziz to come back to work. This might draw the church into crisis, especially if it tries to counteract the judicial decision. It also may limit the authority of the church over religious men.
State Council Court established a legal principle stating that the decrees of the Orthodox Church are considered administrative decrees that can be appealed. The establishment of this principle came after the Administrative Court announced its verdict invalidating a decree issued by Pope Shenouda...
The author argues that if Israel is going to benefit from Egyptians’ visit to Jerusalem, then such plans should be cancelled, not due to Egyptian Christians’ religious identity, but their national identity as Egyptians.
An archpriest defrocked by Pope Shenouda III is given back his position by the Egyptian Supreme Administrative Court [Editor: The Egyptian Supreme Administrative Court is a body of the Council of State.].
The deceased, Father Ibrāhīm ‘Abd al-Sayyid, was a paradigm of how an enlightened cleric should be. He was marked by tolerance and spirituality and was always providing us with information about the old and modern history of the Coptic Church.
Father Andarāwus ‘Aziz claims that the decision to have him defrocked of his priestly duties was marked by unjust improvisation, which is wide-spread in the church administration
A defense of church trials in response to an article published in article of Rose al-Yousuf magazine by Sawsan, the daughter of the late defrocked priest Ibrāhīm ‘Abd al-Sayyid, over whose body the Pope ordered no prayers should be read.
The Supreme Administrative Court has nullified the Pope’s decision to defrock a priest.
The article is a letter sent to Al-Musawwar by Samir Haleem Mansour, member of Truth Seekers Group in Canada. He comments on the interview the magazine had with Pope Shenouda on the occasion of his 80th birthday. He disagrees with the pope concerning his opinions about voting, Father Matta Al-...
The lawsuit Archpriest Andrawis Aziz filed against Pope Shenouda to cancel the decision that stripped him of his religious title and the report of the State Council Judges which viewed the decisions of the church as administrative decisions pushed Al-Kalema [the word] Center for human rights to...


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