Displaying 81 - 90 of 171.
Dr. Abdel Azeem Al-Mat’ani rejects the opinions Khalil Abdel Kareem as expressed in his book “Al-Nass Al-Mu’assis Wa Mujtama’u.” Abdel-Kareem believes that the Qur’an is an earthly made and not a heavenly revealed book and that its verses came up either to justify the mistakes of the Prophet and...
The general secretary of the Islamic Research Institution demanded the confiscation of many books, claiming that they imply apostasy and unbelief. One of these books is Khalil Abdel-Kareem’s “Al-Nass Al-Mu’assis Wa Mujtama’u” [The Principle Text and its Context] which was harshly criticized in Al-...
Dr. Abdel-Azeem Al-Mata’ani has been behind most of the cases of accusing writers of kufr [unbelief]. The latest writer he accused of disbelief is Ahmed Al-Shahawi because of his book "Commandments on Loving Women." The author believes that because Al-Mata’ani was not paid the attention he always...
The article is an interview with Mustafa Muhammad, a Brotherhood member of the Parliament who stirred the issue of poet Ahmed Al-Shahawi’s book “Commandments on Loving Women.” He explains why he is against the book and expresses the opinion that there should be a censorship by the Azhar over all...
The writer gives a brief comment on an article written by Abdel-Latif Abdel-Karim titled “The Azhar’s expression of opinion is not the reason for the terrorism and tourism crisis,” Al-Qahera, August 26, 2003. In this article Abdel-Latif Abdel-Karim comments on an article by Gamal Al-Banna: “For the...
A member of the Islamic Research Institute suggested new conditions for examining books before giving permission for publishing. The author gives a summary of these conditions and comments on the call to minimize the role of religious institutions in examining and reviewing religious books.
The author comments on an article by Gamal Al-Banna in which he called upon the Azhar to “forget about banning books for the sake of Egypt.” The author argues in favor of the Azhar giving its opinion concerning religious books. “It is not the Azhar’s rejection of a certain book that creates...
The Islamic Research Institute decided not to ban any religious-related books that are not in accordance with the Shari’a but will only write reports commenting on their contents. The author believes that the decision is not effective and aims at improving the image of the Azhar in the eyes of the...
Eleven intellectuals comment on the statement the Sheikh of the Azhar gave in the International Islamic Conference in Malaysia concerning the prohibition of publishing books that urge extremism. They believe that such decision may back the banning policy.
The author approached two Islamic scholars to comment on the phenomenon of religious books marketed around mosques and in the streets. He raises the question: Does everyone have the right to write religious books and publish them? Or should the Azhar supervise such publications to prevent the...


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