Displaying 221 - 230 of 364.
Egyptian blogger Dalyā Ziyādah says she won the Anna Lindh Euro-Med Prize for writing an article in English criticizing the large number of women wearing niqāb and blaming it on the Azhar. The article says that the Anna Lindh foundation is considered suspicious for its relations with Zionism and...
Coptic thinker Dr. Rafik Habeeb says the reason the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar isn't as influential with Muslims as Pope Shenouda III is with Copts is that unlike the Al-Azhar, the Church is financially and administratively independent of state. The Church's strength also draws from the fact that it...
Ahmed Kamāl Abū al-Majd emphasizes the important role that religious institutions must play in Egyptian society, bemoaning their recent decline.
In 2000, after violent protests against it, the anti-Islamic book translated as A Banquet for Seaweed was banned in Egypt. The widespread nature of the protests reflects the domination of religious thought in Egypt; however, the book was defended by Syrian author Hilmī al-Nimnim.   According to al-...
Rose al-Yūsuf magazineinterviews Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib, the new Grand Imām of the Azhar.
The author interviews Bishop Marqus of Shubrā, who talks about the reasons behind sectarian fitnah in Egypt.
Rose al-Yūsuf wonders whether niqāb will spread in Egypt in the future or not.
Al-Wafd interviews Rif‘at al-Sa‘īd asking about reasons and solutions for fitnah in Egypt. 
The article summarizes the ideas included in chapter four of the dissertation of the doctorate entitled ‘Al-Muwājahah al-Amnīyah Li al-Irhāb’ [Security Confrontation of Terrorism] by Dr. Nabīl Lūqā Bibāwī.
Believing in the threat represented by the abnormal ideologies advocated by the Egyptian writer Nawāl al- Sa‘dāwī, a committee of Azhar scholars seeks to highlight the genuine core of Islam and tries to stand against such thoughts.


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