Displaying 231 - 240 of 364.
’One-Nil’ the movie is still stealing the limelight. The following lines present a review of a file published by al-Musawwar on God in the cinema.
The author believes that Christian students should be allowed to enroll in the non-theological schools of the Azhar University but does not support the idea of a Coptic university.
The grand imām of the Azhar has visited Lebanon, some sources see the trip as a sign of Tantāwī’s support for the politician Sa’ad al-Hariri.
The author talks about an interview that involved Jamāl al-Bannā and Azhar scholars. The Azhar scholars reminded al-Bannā he was old and al-Bannā called for the purification of jurisprudence. He also discusses the fact that fatwás concerning the behavior and dress of women as sexual objects have...
The appearance of bizarre fatwás goes against the tolerant nature of Islam writes Amānī Mājid.
The Islamic thinker Jamāl al-Bannā has issued a number of controversial fatwás recently. In this article Muslim scholars criticize al-Bannā and question his credentials.
In 2002 the Ministry of Education introduced the subject ’ethics and values’ into the curriculum, however in recent years it have received substantial criticism and now seems to be on the way out.
Has rejected the suggestion that the grand Imām be chosen from the members of the Islamic Research Academy.
The conservative cleric Yūsuf al-Badrī has requested that the Islamic Dā‘iyah Su‘ād Sālih publicly repent over three fatwás concerning her stances toward artists, as well as her rejection of divorce via SMS.
Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, the grand imām of the Azhar, works hard to gain the regime’s appreciation and incurs many Azhar scholars and shaykh’s enmity because of his stances toward different issues.


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