Displaying 31 - 35 of 35.
In view of the positive spirit of discussions between Christians and Muslims in recent weeks in the area of education syllabuses, the writer complains about the recent screening of a film about the Emperor Constantine, and the unsubstantiated negative comments made by an invited professor after...
To realize how Egyptians received the Islamic Conquest, we should know the fact that many Egyptians converted to Christianity earlier than Romans and Byzantines who were still atheists during the time they were occupying Egypt. Being occupied and governed by atheists, Egyptian Christians had been...
Fourteen centuries have passed since the Islamic conquest of Egypt and the first meeting between the conquering Arabs and Egyptian Copts. The article discusses the conquest of Egypt, and the relationships between the Copts and the invading army of Arabs.
All Egyptians enjoyed freedom, equality and justice under the rule of the Muslims. The whole Egyptian people, Muslim and Christian, became an inseparable part of the Islamic civilization and culture.
An interview with Gamal Asa’ad on the role of Pope Shenouda and persecution.


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