Displaying 21 - 30 of 333.
Egyptian poetess and novelist Fātimah Nāʾūt criticized Egyptian actress Ḥanān Turk for her remarks in which she described Copts in Egypt as dhimmīs, saying that the term ‘dhimmī’ can no longer be used to describe non-Muslims under civil laws applied in modern Egypt.
A young Copt, Kyrillos ‘Ayyād, sat on the ground inside the St. Mark Cathedral carrying a large photo of Shaykh ‘Imād ‘Iffat, who was killed in the recent incidents off the cabinet office in downtown Cairo, during the visit of Dr. Tayyīb, Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum’ah and Minister of Awqāf...
“Muslims and Christians in the East make a united national fabric. Past dictatorial and despotic regimes have harmed both Muslims and Christians,” Dr. Tayyīb said during a meeting with Patriarch Gregory III Laham of the Church of Antioch on January 5. The top Sunni Muslim cleric also appealed to...
The frist part of this recording is an interview with the Archbishop of the Aremenian Church in Turkey, Mesrob Mutfayan about the state of the church and the Armenian community in Turkey. The second part is a press conference with Natig Aliyev, the Director and President of the State...
This month has seen a scathing battle in the mass media over visits by some Egyptian Christian citizens to Jerusalem, soon followed by another wrangling over a visit by Muftī of the Republic ‘Alī Jum’ah to the holy city, where he led worshippers for prayers at al-Aqsá Mosque.
 Magdy William is one of the world’s premier Coptic iconographers, having studied under the renowned reviver of the long neglected art, Isaac Fanous.[1] William discussed his craft, its history, and spiritual impact during an exhibition hosted by St. John’s Episcopal Church in Maadi, Cairo, on...
On April 16, 2011, 18 new governors were appointed by the head of the Supreme Council of Armed Forces. In Qena, Egyptians protested against the newly appointed Coptic governor ‘Imād Shihātah Michael, who replaced the former governor Majdī Ayūb, who was also a Copt. Demonstrators, who are mainly...
An official source at the Islamic Research Academy said that the Virgin Mary movie is just an illusion, saying that the Azhar did not receive any script for a movie involving Virgin Mary. However, he added that the rule of not portraying prophets in movies is applicable in that case, because the...
Nādīn al-Badīr writes about her recent experience at Friday prayers when she wanted to go to the mosque to pray and become unified with God. She remembered that she is banned from going anytime because as she gets there she has to go directly to the women's section to hear a decades-old sermon that...
Head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights, Najīb Jabrā’īl, issued a statement yesterday requesting priests to follow the Pope’s orders not to appear in interviews with the media. He said that statistics show that priests are not dedicated to their parish and, furthermore, that priests neglecting...


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