Displaying 61 - 70 of 159.
The author criticizes the way Dr. Nabil Luka Bibawi writes about emigrant Copts. He commented on two of his articles. He concluded that Egypt needs emigrant Copts, as they occupy high social positions. Getting close to them cannot be achieved in Bibawi´s way of writing about them. Full Text Dr...
Richard Lowry, a Christian American writer, wrote an article in the American magazine “National Review” in which he called for striking Mecca with an atomic bomb. Christians should realize how provocative this article is. What if a fanatic Muslim writer would make a similar call for the Church of...
Dr. Milad Hanna (77), a much respected Coptic thinker and politician in Egypt who was awarded the UNESCO Simon Bolivar prize for his efforts in intercultural dialogue, was severely attacked by some Coptic activists in the Copts Daily Digest after his visit with Dr. Kamal Abul-Magd to Washington DC...
September 11 was not the beginning of the associating of terrorism with Islam. The Crusades marked the beginning of the actual attack of the West against Islam. Because the West is apprehensive of the Islamic revival, many theories calling for attacking Islam appeared in the West. If Islam really...
In the article, Bishop Dr. Yohanna Qulta talks about the birth of Christ describing it as a beam of God´s light. He also speaks about national unity in Egypt stressing that being believers of different religions has never been a barrier before the coherence of Muslims and Copts. He believes that...
The author of this article quotes several people, the conglomoration of which reveals that the secular-based Coptic council, al-Majlis al-Mīllī, is very important and provides much assistance to the Copts and the Church, but that it also currently has many weaknesses which must be sorted through.
The author offers a brief a review of a television program that hosted a number of Muslim and Coptic figures discussing several critical issues.
The author of the article comments on a book about the Prophet Muhammad by the Christian writer Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī. He explains that while Christian and Jewish clerics added to their holy books, the Islamic faith remained unchanged.
The author reviews the progress achieved in solving the issues surrounding the building and restoration of churches during President Mubārak’s rule. He argues that a unified law regulating the building of all places of worship would offer final solution to the problem.
Some Egyptians believe that there are sufficient churches in Egypt, while others think that there should be more churches, arguing that there are some villages with a Coptic majority and not even a single church.


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