Displaying 171 - 180 of 185.
Pope Shenouda said that it is true that Arab countries, sometimes, describe themselves as Muslim, forgetting other denominations within them and that the Egyptian land and army are referred to as "Muslim land" and Muslim Army." "True, there are Islamist countries, but even those countries are not...
The introduction of the Coptic researcher Hani Labib’s "Religious protection crisis.. Religion and the state in Egypt" is written by Prof. Mohammed Selim Al-Awa, an Islamic thinker. Labib believes that the most dangerous tool of globalization is religion. Religion is the most explosive and...
The author explained the meaning of "Christian fundamentalism," saying that he did not deny the existence of a Christian Protestant fundamentalist movement in America. He was among the first to attract attention to its existence when he published his book "The Zionist Penetration of Christianity."...
Different religions are entering political challenges, not in the name of God, but in the name of power. Historians agree that wars do not often happen for religious reasons. The first religious war dates back to 1095, when the knights answered the call of Pope Urban II to save Christians in the...
Dr. Watson wrote for the RNSAW is widely used and admired by those concerned with the study of Islam and Christianity. No other similar service is available in the West. Watson wrote the international context of the RNSAW is most significant because of Professor Samuel P. Huntington’s thesis on the...
Opinion article about the consequences of the killings in al-Kosheh. The author writes about national unity and is of the opinion that those who call for the setting up of political parties on religious basis should shut up once and for all.
It seems that Muslims have no other option but to believe that they are destined to fight fierce warfare in the twenty first century and they will not find any way out of its fires. The snares are set everywhere and these snares are getting narrower every day. In this new era, Muslims have no...
The Christian author believes the report can have serious negative consequences for Christians in Egypt. The first is that Christians will feel that America is their God Mother that protects them. The second is that Moslems will feel that America is interfering in their internal matters and thus...
"The West, its politicians and missionaries regard the Islamic world as one entity and, in dealing with Muslims, do not forget that they make up one social unit. But in the meantime, the West does not want us to feel united." Thus wrote Islamic scholar Tarek El-Bishri in the introduction to Ummati...
The Holy Qur’an gives a prominent place to the Copts among Christians. The Prophet Mohammed’s uncles and his son’s uncles are Copts.


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