Displaying 161 - 170 of 172.
Rose El-Youssef magazine continues its recent attack against the Labor Party (in Egypt) claiming that the party has been hijacked by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim extremists, and that it is presenting itself falsely as the sole party representing the interests of Islam in Egypt.
The embassy is more right wing than most Israelis and is not supported by the great majority of churches.
Subtitles: - Saladdin’s army included Muslims and Christians - We build our forces and then look for papers & treaties - We hate the Jews the most because they crucified the Christ Jews are the enemies of the Christ. They are not descendants of Abraham, may God’s peace be upon him. The only...
What are the appropriate criteria by which to evaluate enterprises of conquest and settlement? What is the role of the Bible?...The obvious contradiction between what some claim to be God’s will and ordinary civilized, decent behavior poses the question as to whether God is a chauvinistic,...
It is true some extremist Israeli groups refer to selected texts in the Torah or Old Testament, including the texts quoted by Mohammed Khalifa Hassan in order to support their claims. Hassan suggests that all religious Zionists share the same opinion when it comes to the interpretation of religious...
Atef Helmi referred in his article to Rick Joyner’s "The Harvest" as an example of Western Charismatic thinking. An outline and evaluation of Joyner’s book is given. Hulsman points to the danger of a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Hulsman asked three Evangelical pastors in Egypt to comment on the two Rose el-Yousef articles. These pastors are certainly not happy with the publications in Rose el-Yousef. Their criticism, however, focuses on the tensions between churches in Egypt and para-Christian organizations, the...
The RNSAW gave a summary of both Rose el-Yousef articles in RNSAW, week 28, edition July 9-15, 1999. Since several readers asked for the full text that text is given in this issue together with comments from Evangelical Egyptian church leaders. Wa’el Lotfi writes about the opposition of Egypt’s...
A list of those championing Coptic rights reads like a veritable "who’s who" of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim causes.
The state honored the Coptic writer, Counselor Edward Ghali El-Zahabi, former Chief of the Court of State (hai’it Qadaya el-Dawla), an authority on the study of the rights of non-Muslims in an Islamic society, and a former member of the People’s Assembly, on the occasion of the Holy Mulid of the...


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