Displaying 721 - 730 of 811.
Uncommon in Egyptian press, al-Dustour publishes excerpts of the Human Rights Watch report on Egypt, 2005, revealing many problems in Egypt.
The author records the comments of Coptic lawyer Mamdouh Nakhla, who opposed the president maintaining his authority relating to church-building decisions.
In the wake of sectarian attacks in al-‘Udaysāt, Luxor, Youssuf Sidhom criticizes the behavior of the security apparatus.
He supports the freedom of religion as an assertion to Allāh’s instructions: a man needs not register his conviction, adding that this principle represented the spirit of Islam.
A discussion of homosexuality and Egyptian law taken from a bachelor’s thesis on Egyptian law.
A look into the reasons behind the media storm over conversions of young women and girls from Islam to Christianity and vice versa
The full text of Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyoumī’s response to the 30 questions Drs. Cornelis Hulsman sent him concerning the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
An introduction to Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyoumī’s response to the 30 questions Drs. Cornelis Hulsman sent him concerning the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
Dr. Nabīl Luqā Bibāwī’s response to the questions posed by AWR concerning Yustina Saleh’s article on the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
A list of the questions submitted to Egyptians, concerning the article, written by Yustina Saleh on the second article of the Egyptian constitution.


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