Displaying 141 - 150 of 162.
Can the launching of two satellite channels by the Coptic Orthodox Church be in response to other Christian channels that promote sectarian sedition?
Dr. Hamdy Zaqzouq, Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments], has lately issued a list including thirty-four scholars and men of religion who are allowed to appear in the Egyptian television channels. This list includes senior trustable scholars and thinkers, yet some questions remains. What is the...
I was provoked by a TV program aired by the Iqraa Channel. The young hostess of this program, who speaks in the same way senior sheikhs do, said that the person who abandons prayer should be killed. Prayer is part of the personal relationship between man and God. If someone gives up prayer, he will...
Arab Satellite channels can be judged from the perspective of being in a development stage and thus needing more time to mature. But the dilemma is that they do not follow logical stages in development. They are indigenous establishments that seek propaganda and sensationalize the news.
The French Supreme Council for Visual and Audible Information refused the request of the Representative Council of Jewish-French Organizations to reconsider the decision of allowing the television channel Al-Manar, which belongs to Hezbollah, to broadcast its programs to France.
"Sunnā‘ al-Hayāh" [makers of life], a program presented by ‘Amr Khālid, is aiming at the progress of the nation and is dealing with the cultural, psychological, educational, industrial, agricultural and living problems. Actually, "Sunnā‘ al-Hayāh" does not make progress, it creates only illusions...
Hizb Allāh’s al-Manār television channel, considered a terrorist organization by the United States, will no longer be broadcasted on European satellites starting Monday, media monitors said yesterday.
The author believes that the Bin Laden videotape is a naïve story and that any TV or movie director can fabricate a thousand tapes like it. He expressed his hope that this videotape will not be the reason to stop searching for the real criminals, who have the greatest interest in causing the clash...
The author believes BBC, CNN and al-Gezira have not provided objective reports about the war against the Taleban and the Al-Qa’ida movement.
The public expected Iqra’ [recite, the very first word revealed in the Qur’an] satellite channel to offer an enlightened reading of Islam to agree with the givens of the new globalization time. However, the channel ended up by becoming the official channel for extremists and stagnant jurisprudence.


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