Displaying 11 - 20 of 41.
The Katholiek Nieuwsblad (KN) received RNSAW/AWR since 1998. When senior editor Ben van de Venn started preparing himself for this article, he asked for numerous special reports and other information from Arab-West Report. This was followed by an interview during Hulsman's visit to the Netherlands...
An interview with Michael Munīr, member of the Republican Party in the U.S. and controversial Coptic activist who is visiting Egypt.
Gohara´s comments are yet another example of how US Coptic activists contribute to a poisoned atmosphere. They certainly do not help their fellow Copts in Egypt with such comments but it does help them to create an image among fellow Coptic emigrants to the West as if they are the only one´s who...
The Rev. Steven L. Snyder, founder and director of International Christian Concern, passed away at the age of 53.
The article sheds light on how the Jezira TV and some emigrant Copts, such as, Michael Mounir tried to exploit the incidents of Beni Walmis to give the impression that Egypt suffers from sectarian strife. The author described both the Jezira TV and Mounir and his group as provokers.
Dr. Milad Hanna (77), a much respected Coptic thinker and politician in Egypt who was awarded the UNESCO Simon Bolivar prize for his efforts in intercultural dialogue, was severely attacked by some Coptic activists in the Copts Daily Digest after his visit with Dr. Kamal Abul-Magd to Washington DC...
Revd. Steve Snyder, founder of Christian Solidarity International, suddenly passed away. Media critique on often appearing incorrect elements in stories.
As usual, the report of the US Secretary of States for religious freedom in Egypt this year accuses Egypt of exercising religious persecution against the Christian minority. The US Secretary of State depends on emigrant Copts in writing its reports. Emigrant Copts have relations with organizations...
When the news broke of the terrible train accident which had killed hundreds of people, Michael Meunier, president of the US Copts Association, immediately started a fundraising campaign for the victims of the disaster. The Egyptian press, which is generally hostile of Meunier’s campaigns, decided...
The Internet site of Michael Mounir reported about the incident at Taha Al-’Ameda in a way that makes it seem that there is sectarian strife in Egypt. The US Copts claimed that the government gives security officers free reign increases the brutal attacks against Copts.


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