Displaying 11 - 20 of 374.
Salafi preacher, Walīd Isma’il, coordinator of the Coalition of Defense of the Companions and Family of Prophet, has revealed that a new husayniah (Shi’ite mosque) is being constructed [Salafis are strongly opposed to Shi’ites].
The annual sūfī Iftār was held at the headquarters of the ‘Azmiyyah tarīqah in the neighborhood of Sayyidah Zaynab yesterday. As well as the presence of several Sūfī sheikhs, there was also a diplomatic Iranian delegation present, under the supervision of Tawfīq al-Samdī, political advisor to the...
The coalition of lovers of the companions of the prophet, who oppose Shi’tes,  stated that the Iranian Embassy in Egypt is sponsoring conversion of individuals to Shi’ism in Egypt.  
Dr. Tawfīq Masrūr, one of the leaders of the Shi’ite Mahdāwiyah movement in Morocco  called upon the movements supporters in Egypt, through an electronic message,  to hold elections and nominate names for the position of the movement’s head and treasurer in Egypt (
The Azhar issued a decision to send preaching convoys to different governorates that would, as part of its job, alert to the Shi’te danger and sectarian strife and its impact on the unity of the ummah and social stability. 
The Azhar Shaykh, Ahmad al- Tayyib, received Dr. Khudair al- Khuzā’ī, vice president of Iraq. Khuzā’ī stated that the Islamic ummah agrees that the Azhar is the symbol for moderate thought.
This text is a translation of the Menno Simons lecture of Prof. Dr. Hans Achterhuis, November 2014. It was later published under the title “Vreedzaam vechten is de weg” (Peaceful fighting is the way) in the magazine 'Streven,' October 2015. It later was translated for and published by Arab-West...
“Non-Muslims are free to their own faiths and we have to offer them amity and peace if they do not fight us,” said ‘Awwā during a rally next to the al-Fayoum cultural center on Friday (March 16), adding only true believers (Muslims) will apply the Islamic sharī’ah and be fair between Muslims and...
British political writer and professor of European studies at Oxford Timothy Garton Ash criticized the paper issued by the Azhar on the future of Egypt, saying that the document is ignoring the religions of half inhabitants of the globe, like Hinduism, Buddhism and Scientology. [Wafā' Shi'īrah, ...
Islamists rejected the establishment of the Free Copts Party, planned by some Coptic activists, because it would be set up on a religious basis, criticizing the new party's calls to change Article II of the Egyptian Constitution which spells out that the principles of Islamic sharī'ah are the main...


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