Displaying 61 - 70 of 120.
An important international congress on the 13th century Andalusian sūfī philosopher Ibn ‘Arabi has just finished in the Egyptian capital. The author also brings the reader’s attention to two articles about the role of the Muslim Brotherhood and an interesting article about freedom of expression in...
The article mentions books that have been banned or approved by the Islamic Research Academy.
Subhī Mijāhid interviews Holland Taylor, founder of the Libforall Foundation.
Sūfī leaders in Egypt have debated a U.S. conference on international Sūfism, fearing it might lead to the spread of the Shī‘ī creed in the country.
The author reviews the contributions of the well-known German Orientalist Anne Marie Schimmel on the fifth anniversary of her death.
The following text presents a number of the most popular Islamic Dā‘iyahs in the modern time.
Rose al-Yūsuf published an interview with Father Scattolin, the Comboni monk and expert in S...
Dr. Fātimah Sayyid Ahmad reports on her personal experience with followers of the Burhānīyah Sūfī order who invited her to spend a day trip to Disūq to discover the reality of their belief. However, she was stunned by the kind of Islamic teachings they present, believing that this deviated group...
The author talks about al-Burhāniyyah, a Ṣūfī method which has been legally banned at Egypt, but there is an attempt to return it back through distributing a Masbahah and a paper containing incorrect names for Prophet Muhammad.
The author narrates a background history to the deteriorating situation of Christians in the East. He identifies the reasons behind this deterioration and discusses the origins of religious fundamentalism and the autocratic regimes in the Arab world.


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