Displaying 141 - 150 of 329.
Ḥāmid starts his article by stating his own opinion on the trending Fatwa kiosk by saying, “ The Fatwa Kiosk is a heresy invented by hastened Shaykhs. 
Dr. Aḥmad ʿUkāsha, professor of psychiatry and a member of the National Council for Combating Terrorism and Extremism, said that enlightenment religious discourse is the main source of new interpretations for Qur`ān. He also highlighted the importance of deep thinking to understand texts and...
The High Scholar Council has assured in its meeting yesterday (January 11) that the Constitution does not contradict with Islam or sharī’ah (Ayyah Fathī, al-Dustūr, Jan. 12, p. 3).
Dār al- Iftā’ has assured in a new fatwá that political pluralism is permitted in Islam (Ali Ragab, al-Dustūr, Jan. 12, p. 2).
This article reflects on the conflict between Shaykh ‘Ala’ al-Din Mādi Abu al-‘Azāyim and Al-Qaradāwi regarding the constitutional referendum. 
Ṭāriq al-Bishrī was born in El Helmaya in Cairo on February 1, 1933. al-Bishrī’s initial political works focused on national political independence. According to al-Bishrī, Egyptian national independence was related to the international movements for independence, Arab unity, and to a sovereign...
Hāla Muṣṭafā was born in Egypt in 1958, although Muṣṭafā was appointed to be a member of the new Policies Committee of the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 2002, Muṣṭafā presents herself as an independent writer and thinker more than a party member. This commitment is reflected in her...
Report about an Arab-West Report visit to Qufada in the district of Maghagha where we met with Shaykh Hamdi Abd al-Fattah and Father Yo’annis about Customary Reconciliation Sessions in Maghagha.  
Customary law, commonly referred to as (ʿUrfī [Urfi] ‎ Law), is a set of rules and procedures used by local arbitrators, for reconciliation and conflict resolution.  Urfi law is resorted to by local communities in mostly non-metropolitan areas where it is held that the judicial system is not an...
Al-Azhar which has resisted and persecuted those who have attempted to reform Islam since the end of the 19th century, is now being called upon by Egypt’s president to do what they have long suppressed:. reforming Islam. The response of the shaykhs of al-Azhar has been to announce conferences and...


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