Displaying 91 - 100 of 329.
Bishop Yuhanna Qultah, the deputy patriarch of the Coptic Catholics and a representative of the Egyptian churches in the constituent assembly writing a new constitution for Egypt, announced the withdrawal of the three churches from the panel.
Hamdīn Sabbāhī, the founder of the Egyptian Popular Current and former presidential candidate, called for keeping intact the text of Article 2 as it read in the 1971 constitution, adding the text guarantees the implementation of the Islamic sharī’ah as a main source of legislation and in the same...
Nādir al-Sirafī, a spokesman for the 1938 Copts League, which advocates divorce and remarriage in Christianity, called  for applying the Islamic sharī’ah on all Egyptians in personal status affairs, asserting the importance of having a general law applicable to all Egyptians without exception.
Dr. Yūnis Makhyūn, the representative of the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party in the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt, said the party would adamantly stick to the rulings of the sharī’ah in the article on equality between men and women. [Muhammad Gharīb, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Oct...
‘Amr ‘Abd al-Hādī, a member of the constitution-drafting panel’s communications & proposals committee, said differences still exist over Article II as both the 1938 Copts League and Salafists refuse its current drafting.  
Meanwhile, Nādir al-Sirafī, the official spokesman of the 1938 Copts League, which advocates divorce and remarriage in Christianity, threatened to challenge the unconstitutionality of an article proposed by the church in the constitution that reads “non-Muslims may have recourse to their own...
Shaykh Sa’īd al-Rūbī, a leading member of the Salafī Da’wah (Call), large segments of the Egyptian people are for the implementation of the Islamic sharī’ah despite the appearance of some “hypocrites” on satellite channels to propagate fears about the sharī’ah.
The Jamā’ah Islāmīyah (Islamic Group) rejected the text of Article 2 of the Constitution and called on the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt to omit the word ‘principles’ of the sharī’ah, threatening to take to the streets and urge the people to refuse the constitution if...
There is no reason for the current state of extremism that brought a camp of some who belong to the political Islam groups to start a needless fight seeking the amendment of Article II of the Egyptian Constitution of 1971 that read “the principles of Islamic sharī’ah is the main source of...
The constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt saw heated debates between former Muftī of the Republic Dr. Nasr Farīd Wāsil and the panel’s spokesman Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd over the latter’s objection in the drafting committee against the new article to have the Azhar as the final...


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