Displaying 6271 - 6280 of 6590.
Sheikh Amr Khalid is attacked for being an AUC graduate and not a specialist in religion and for being a young preacher, the majority of whose audience are teenagers. The author believes that being young is not a point against him as he has a talent for preaching. He is using a language that suits...
During the demonstrations against al-Nabaa in the cathedral, the police held about 36 boys, of whom three were kept for 35 days. It is remarkable that the president of the US Copts Association started a campaign to free them AFTER they had been released. He also claimed that the arrested youths...
Michael Meunier, the maintainer of the Copts Daily Digest placed the link of an article of Mohammed Salmawy, editor-in-chief of the Al-Ahram Hebdo and chairman of the Arab Defense League, on the Digest he found Salmawy subtly criticized president Mubarak for blaming the Copts outside of Egypt for...
[This article is a follow-up of another article about the same subject. RNSAW, 2001, week 26A, art. 26] Bishop Dimitrious and priests in Malawi strongly deny the claims of the Australian Coptic Association Youth Branch that four girls from Malawi had been kidnapped.
Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi expressed the opinion that giving fatwas to Muslims, regarding their personal and general affairs is not limited to the Mufti and that all scholars share this with him. The Mufti believes that all Muslim scholars are allowed to give fatwas, but there are guidelines. He said...
The author expressed the opinion that the cancellation of the pope’s weekly meeting was accompanied by fear of a return to the denominational atmosphere of the September 1981 events. The fact that the Coptic youth didn’t protest about Al-Nabaa to the People’s Assembly or the Supreme Press Council...
The Copts Daily Digest published on July 8 an attack of Dr. Raafat Labeeb on an article of Mustafa Mahmoud in Al-Ahram a day earlier. Dr. Mahmoud wrote in that article that the Torah mentions nothing about the afterlife because Jewish rabbis had deleted everything from the original text to that...
The Mufti of Egypt issued a fatwa prohibiting competitions based on making special-rate phone calls, considering them a form of gambling prohibited by Islam. The fatwa caused wide controversy in religious, media, and communication circles. One of the competition programs the Mufti referred to was "...
The head of the solicitors committee defending Saad Eddin Ibrahim said that he did not accept any attempts to interfere in his case, whether local or international, and also that he trusted the honesty of the Egyptian court. He confirmed that the Israeli Prime Minister had not interfered in the...
Several Egyptian media reported in May that four Christian girls from the Upper Egyptian town of Malawi had run away from their homes. The Australian Coptic Association Youth Branch had reported these girls were kidnapped and kept insisting this had been the case also after the girls had returned...


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