Displaying 31 - 40 of 82.
Contents I. Jansen’s argument: Copts are killed when they violate the Shari’a  II. My comment: Jansen should have mentioned the general lack of security in Egypt  III. Jansen does not know about the construction of new churches in recent years  IV. Does the Shari’a prohibit the building of churches...
 A conference on the “Role of the universities, NGOs, the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and the media, in preserving Coptic antiquities during the period from 1976 to 2009” was recently held in Cairo. The conference was organized by the Italian Institute for antiquities and restoration in...
Today there's a new dawn in more ways than one. Yesterday was certainly an unforgettable momentous day, one that I never would have believed could happen. Returning from el Malek el Saleh on the Metro there were several young people with headbands of the Egyptian colours and one girl of about eight...
President Mubarak resigned today. We have witnessed much of the events leading up to his resignation showing that reporting in the West provided a biased image. Images of Tahrir Square dominated most media since January 25 but little was reported about other parts of the country.   Foreigners...
Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman: Dr. Michael Burslem (78) is a retired Canadian medical doctor and is a longtime friend of mine. He and his wife usually spend the winter months in Cairo when weather is substantially more pleasant in Egypt then in Canada and they spend the summers in Canada when...
          CIDT Intern William Barnet encourages a holistic approach towards aiding orphans in Egypt.
This article deals with the incidence of al-Barād‘ī visiting some of the historical and religious sights in Old Cairo.
Pope Shenouda refers a priest to investigation for allegedly washing women’s feet. On another note, the author refers to Bishop Silwānus’ return to the monastery by a papal decision after being the Bishop of Old Cairo.
The author reflects on her visit to sacred Coptic churches and other monuments in Old Cairo.
This article is an interview and discussion with Anba Mina, Abbot of Mar-Girgis Monastery in Khatatba, as well as some other ministers of the Church, about the religious ideals of Coptic Christians in Egypt. The author and interviewer desires to understand how the Church in Egypt is philosophically...


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