Displaying 31 - 40 of 148.
al-Wafd reported on al-Marāshdah incident as well, where Bishop Kyrillos of Qena stated that the clashes resulted in the burning of three stores and an attack on six (‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd,  Jan. 20, p. 8). Read original text in Arabic
The Undersecretary of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Turin and Rome, Fr. Theophilus al-Siryānī, participated in the celebration of the blessing of the icon of the Holy Family Journey to Egypt by Pope Francis held in the Vatican in coordination with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.
The Coptic Orthodox Church participated in a conference in Italy to promote religious tourism in Egypt.
The Coptic Orthodox Church on Saturday commemorates the return of St. Mark the Apostle’s remains to Pope Cyril VI.
The New York Times Magazine published a detailed report about the torture and murder of ItalianPhD student Giulio Regeni who focused in his study on Egyptian street vendors’ union, “hoping to assess their union’s potential to drive political and social change.” He disappeared on the 25th of January...
Al-Ṣabāh monitored in a report on the Ministry of Awqaf, what it called aspects of corruption in the Ministry. The report addressed the Ministry’s missions abroad and accused it of being a cover and safe haven for the Imams of the Muslim Brotherhood, allowing them to get out of Egypt with great...
Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark, in his remarks during an interview with the Egyptian Channel “Al-Nahar”, questions the Western countries' approach to dealing with the Human rights status in Egypt. He also addressed the murder of the Italian PhD. student Giulio...
[This interview took place in English and was recorded. Editorial notes have been made between brackets to clarify some statements. The interview was transcribed by Esther Schoorel and edited by Douglas May and Cornelis Hulsman.] [Test]
Transcript of an interview with Dr. Essam Al-Haddad on government efforts to stabilize the country since this is a pre-requisite to get Egypt out of its current economic difficulties. Thus questions addressed much repeated critiques on the Mursī administration.


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