Displaying 671 - 680 of 709.
The Jordanian authorities’ unexpected move to close the offices of Hamas in Amman, round up 12 of its members and issue arrest warrants against its leaders marked a turning point in relations between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Jordanian government. But the move is expected to have...
Hamas received a serious and surprising blow in Jordan when plainclothes intelligence officers stormed and closed down the offices of four Amman-based Hamas representatives on Monday [August 30, 1999]. They arrested 15 activists. In addition, a summons warrant was issued for the four top-ranking...
Magdy Hussein, editor-in-chief of Al-Shaab, has now been sentenced to two years in prison for libel. The sentence is the result of the campaign of Al-Shaab of over a year against Youssef Wali, Minister of Agriculture. Hulsman describes Hussein’s views on Islam.
It is true some extremist Israeli groups refer to selected texts in the Torah or Old Testament, including the texts quoted by Mohammed Khalifa Hassan in order to support their claims. Hassan suggests that all religious Zionists share the same opinion when it comes to the interpretation of religious...
Hulsman asked three Evangelical pastors in Egypt to comment on the two Rose el-Yousef articles. These pastors are certainly not happy with the publications in Rose el-Yousef. Their criticism, however, focuses on the tensions between churches in Egypt and para-Christian organizations, the...
The discussion at the press conference of the New York Council of Churches on June 28 [transcript presented in last week’s RNSAW] was mainly with members of the American Coptic Union. Before the press conference Drs. Cornelis Hulsman interviewed Rafique Iscander, chairman and founder of the...
The Vatican has recently announced that Pope John Paul II will visit the holy places in the Middle East in March 2000. It is hoped that the visit will provide an opportunity for the Pope to meet with Muslims and that the meeting will enhance the knowledge and mutual appreciation and respect between...
Truth has got one face. But every accident has hundreds of false faces. Egypt has become the target of malicious lie sellers who are praying every day in the temple of manipulation. One of them is the conspiracy of the truck against the Copts. Another attack comes through a highly selective way of...
Israeli militants are raising funds to rebuild a Jewish temple on a site now occupied by Al Aqsa Mosque in east Jerusalem, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Tuesday. The Jewish radicals held a secret fund-raising meeting in a Jerusalem hotel several weeks ago and plan to hold further conferences to...
A U.S. religious scholar and reverend said on Sunday that Jordan’s recent discovery of the baptism site used by Jesus Christ is "the greatest" archaeological landmark of Christian history. Reverend Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral in the United States, also pledged to promote the site to...


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