Displaying 41 - 50 of 84.
Reviewer: Nuhayr ‘IsmatMājid ‘Atīyah gives a brief history of eminent Christian figures whose villages are named after them.
The author highlights Bishop Timotheus of al-Zaqāzīq and Minia al-Qamh’s comments about conflict and love in the human soul.
Human rights centers in Egypt have stated that 27 sectarian events took place in the country in the last eight months. However, only four of these incidents were discussed in parliament. In addition many MPs believe that discussing sectarian incidents will only ignite more strife and add to...
In Egypt a popular level of religion exists whereby celebrations of the Virgin Mary have had both Muslim and Christian participants.
The Ministry of Economic Development in Egypt prepared what it called the “map of poverty” in which the 1000 poorest villages were identified. The government is discussing the possible ways to fight poverty and develop the villages.
Hudá Rashwān and Musbāh al-Hajar report about the first female ma’dhūn in Egypt.
A Christian high-school student tried to commit suicide after being made to sit the Islamic exam because her father converted to Islam.
The article describes three examples of people who were excluded from the recent local council elections, the author bemoans the fact that when marginalized groups such as Christians and women seek more active participation in the political sphere they are hindered by the ruling National Democratic...
Clergymen and governors of the different Egyptian governorates discuss inter-religious cordial relations.
Fadel Soliman refutes Geert Wilder’s suppositions presented in his film ’Fitna.’ The following article provides Soliman’s critique on the manipulation employed by Wilder in his film.


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