Displaying 131 - 140 of 217.
The article discusses the need for non-partisan reporting and removing emotions from articles, using Arab-West Report to exemplify the importance of such.
Comments on sectarian tensions during the time that Copts are celebrating Easter.
The crisis between Abū Fānā Monastery and Minia governorate last week acquired ominous proportions after it appeared that a settlement of sorts had been reached. The author records the abuses that have been perpetrated against the monastery in reaching and executing this settlement.
Drs. Hulsman updates readers on recent developments involving the Monastery of Abu Fana. He further points to article 3, which highlights a lack in the flow of information throughout Arab countries.
Drs. Hulsman comments on the recent incidents involving a monastery in Minia, and a number of articles in this issue that point to sectarian tensions.
Drs. Hulsman introduces the number of articles in this issue that deal with the incidents surrounding the monastery of Abu Fana.
Claims pronounced by the National Council of Human Rights that sectarian strife and conflict is on the rise in Egypt, using Abu Fana as an example.
Personal testimony from Governor Ahmed Dia al-Din on the recent tensions in his governorate.
Monks from the Monastery of Abu Fana detail the tensions involving their monastery, and provide their testimony on the recent conflict.
Drs. Hulsman discusses his trip to Mallawi, and his concerns regarding the effect that misinformation is having on grassroots Muslim-Christian relations.


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