Displaying 21 - 30 of 61.
The article is a lengthy interview with Bishop Bīshūy in which he expresses his opinions on different issues.
The following is a review of the history of the Jewish existence in Egypt and Jewish synagogues.
The article discusses the disappearance of a Coptic girl, Amal Nisīm Zakī. It was discovered that she had got married to a Muslim. Her family accused the state security of being biased towards the Coptic girls’ kidnappers. They were prevented from meeting Pope Shenouda.
St. Mark’s Cathedral security has dealt aggressively, for the second time, with a Coptic citizen who wanted to complain to Pope Shenouda, during his weekly sermon at the cathedral.
‘Amr Bayyūmī reports on a press statement by Max Michel who launched a severe attack on the leadership of the Coptic Orthodox Church, as well as Bishop Marqus’ response to Michel’s claims.
Hānī al-A‘sar reviews Pope Shenouda’s last weekly sermon of Pope Shenouda, highlighting that the pope refused to provide support for the family of the claimed to be kidnapped Christian female minor.
The family of Amal Zakī Nasīm, a Christian girl who was reported as leaving her family on August 12, continues in their sit-in at Mār Girgis Church in al-Mahallah al-Kubrá city over the security forces’ failure to find any clue of their daughter’s whereabouts.
The author discusses the phenomenon of Coptic demonstrations in Egypt, and highlights their increasing prevalence. He touches on rumors of demonstrations being organized from within the church itself.
Egypt is a land of love and tolerance between Muslims and Christians despite all of the talk of sectarian strife.
Two visits to Holy Family locations, Deir Abū Hinnis and Sakha and Samannud, organized by AWR.Report on a Dutch TV crew taken to a policestation for filming without permition about Dutch citizen Ingrid Trakzel who divorced her Egyptian husband and fight to regain custody over her daughter.Several...


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