Displaying 71 - 80 of 99.
Why did Al-Azhar close its doors before the Copts after it had embraced the prominent ones? Why did the Copts forget their uprising against the last Coptic Prime minister? Why does not the state adopt a national project to finish off the demon of fanaticism?
Dr. Hamed Abu Zayd said that the most important issue occupying his mind is the crisis of modern religious thought and the problems of the different interpretations of the Qur`an. There have been several versions of the Qur’an but one was left over and other versions of the Qur`an were burned.
Exploitation of religion in international relations is not new in human history. Whether created by man or inspired by God [the so-called "heavenly religions" considered by Muslims to be Judaism, Christianity and Islam], religions have been the basis of many of the world’s alliances, wars and...
The United States made beyond doubt a strange effort to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, especially countries of the third world and the Islamic world in particular when it issued last month its report on religious freedom in the world in the frame of the religious freedom law...
The US State Department announced on October 6 that China, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar (Burma), and Sudan were liable for diplomatic and economic sanctions for engaging in "particularly severe violations of religious freedom during the preceding 12 months."
The State Department has designated China, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar and Sudan as countries of particular concern for violations of religious freedom, making them liable for U.S. diplomatic and economic sanctions, spokesman James Rubin said Wednesday.
Youssef Sidhom discusses the report Religious Freedom in the world. Many governments have pledged not to resort to any means of discrimination between its citizens based on religion. Despite this, there are some countries where there is a difference between pledges and practices, where religious...
The Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, which criticizes several Middle Eastern countries including Egypt, is the result of the Religious Freedom Act sponsored by right-wing members of the US Congress in 1998 in what some observers say was a capitulation to fundamentalist Christians...
For how long will Americans try to blackmail Islamic governments and people and interfere in an unacceptable way in local affairs asks the author.
I cannot figure out until when Americans will continue to try to blackmail Islamic governments and people interfering in an unacceptable way in local affairs. A few days ago, the American Foreign Ministry issued a weird report speaking about the status of the religious minorities in some Islamic...


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