Displaying 10211 - 10220 of 10240.
Sheik The Azhar presents a defense of the law reducing the duration of the secondary section of The Azhar education to three instead of four years. The main argument in the debate that this issue aroused is whether or not the theological education of The Azhar students will be affected.
Controversy arises when a teacher in the School of Dentistry in Cairo university announces her Bahai faith.
The Association for the development of Democracy held a conference entitled " The Religious and Political violence in Egypt... the motives and the horizons".
Abu Al-Ela Madi announced the presenting of credentials of the New Wasat Party to the parties’ committee after the parties’ court refused to accept the Wasat Party.
The approval by the US House of Representative of the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act sparked controversy in the US and Egypt while the US administration sees that the bill is posing difficulties for it with strategically important states.
[Also in Al-Osbua and Al-Athnain of the same date] The parliament witnessed a heated session with Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, sheik of the Azhar mosque, who fiercely attacked those who insult the Azhar and opposing his plan of reform.
A defense of the teacher who presented the book to the students to criticize it and a stress on the fact that what happened was within the boundaries of legitimate academic research.
Pope Shenouda the third crowns Bishop Philip the first Patriarch of Eritrea.
Mohamed Abdel-Mone’m sees the raising issue of Coptic persecution as part of a larger international conspiracy against the Middle East.
Members of the underground Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiya were arrested last week on charges of trying to revive the activities of the group.


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