Displaying 31 - 40 of 72.
The author criticizes the practices of Copts residing abroad, namely in the United States, and their conferences which end in recommendations that have a negative impact on the Christians of Egypt and lead to serious splits and seditions in society.
The Russian Supreme Court banned 15 Islamic organizations from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait and Pakistan to carry out any activities inside Federal Russia.
The University of North Carolina decided to use Michael Sils´ “Approaching the Qur´an” as a placement exam for prospective students. However, some Christian organizations objected to that. The author believes that the book does not testify to the specialization of Sils and does not show...
Richard Lowry, a Christian American writer, wrote an article in the American magazine “National Review” in which he called for striking Mecca with an atomic bomb. Christians should realize how provocative this article is. What if a fanatic Muslim writer would make a similar call for the Church of...
A Saudi judge called for the hadd punishment* of a Tunisian singer because she allegedly compared herself to the Prophet. Some Arab countries demanded the execution of another singer as it was said that she named her dog after one of the prophets. A third singer was imprisoned as he was charged...
The author, Hasan ‘Allām, is reviewing a book by Coptic figure Dr. Nabīl Luqā Bibāwī, which refutes allegations that he claims are propagated by Jews and fanatic writers about the Virgin Mary.
Egyptian authorities have detained hundreds of Sudanese refugees in several camps in preparation to deport those who have no UNHCR registry documents. About three million Sudanese are living in Egypt; most of them are crushed by abject poverty, including 50 million refugees and asylum seekers, with...
During a meeting with the Vatican’s ambassador to Egypt, Egyptian minister of awqāf [endowments], Dr. Mahmoud Hamdī Zaqzouq stressed the need for constructive interfaith dialogue to help clear up misunderstandings about Islam and Christianity.
The author seeks to dispel misconceptions about the position of non-Muslims in early-Islam and the jizya [money paid by non-Muslims in a Muslim state in return for protection and safety].
"Bomb Mecca if US attacked,” congressman Thomas Tancredo of Colorado said in an interview with a Florida Radio Station.


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