Displaying 1081 - 1090 of 1109.
The rude campaign goes on against Egypt. In cooperation with members of the American Congress, a British lord has sent a threatening letter, warning that he will launch a fierce campaign against Egyptian tourism if the persecution of Copts does not stop.
Suddenly, the American paper ’Boston Globe’ came up with a front page story on Persecution of Egyptian Copts by police. According to the paper, police committed brutal acts of torture, beating them up, electrocuting them, and threatening to rape women. In another development, the paper said Bishop...
The People’s Assembly and Shoura Council members from Sohag have announced their strong condemnation of the rude letter sent from the British Lord to Sohag’s governor.
Major General Ahmed Bakr Suhag’s governor condemned the arrogant letter of the British Lord David Alton. Bakr said no foreigner has the right to intervene in Egypt’s internal affairs, and he confirmed the independence of Egypt’s decisions and its sovereignty.
The Sohag members of parliament have sent a request to Dr. Fathi Serour, head of the Egyptian Parliament, to immediately reply to Lord David Alton who sent a message to the Governor of Suhag General Ahmad Abdel Aziz Bakr threatening to wage a campaign against Egypt’s tourism if he would not...
It seems that Lord David Alton hasn’t realized that the British mandate over Egypt has ended and that Egypt is an independent country. That is why he has treats us like the old British Lords used to treat us. He forgot that Britain was "kicked out" of Egypt twice in one year--1956. He forgot also...
The article says live between Muslims and Christians was very peaceful. The Gazette gives a few examples. Muslims in the village and the bishops Bakhoum and Wissa are cited.
British Lord David Alton has recently joined the campaign against Egypt appointing himself a spokesman for Sohag’s Copts and making rude accusations against Egyptian officials.
The article calls Coptic human rights lawyer Maurice Sadek a source of lies and gives several examples.
Egypt and Hosni Mubarak are the targets. Leave all these weak details, these highly elegant words and the human rights pretensions. It is just a game that those conspirators played against Egypt. What is this persecution that they are taking about? We smell the odor of the dollars that are paying...


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