Displaying 1101 - 1109 of 1109.
The author describes the origin of the Evangelical church of Egypt as well as its patriotic stand towards Egypt.
Security officials in Cairo believe the British bill [legislation] may help break up terrorist networks targeting Egypt and other Arab countries. "It is a real positive step towards fighting terrorism worldwide," an interior ministry official said. "For years Britain has turned a blind eye to the...
The British House of Commons and House of Lords passed new legislation aimed at crushing violent Northern Ireland groups but will also hit terrorists from Egypt in England.
Most requests for refugee status are based on false claims, says the author who gives examples of terrorists who were granted asylum in Europe.
In the series of Islamic discussions on the Internet, also the bombing of the American Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es-Salaam is discussed. The paper cites the words of people in favor of the bombing as well as others who strongly denounce it.
The Egyptian security authorities seek information about four Egyptian terrorists living in Europe.
Montasir Al-Zayat had declared after the Luxor terrorist attack that he will refrain from defending extremists. Lately however the newspapers published that he has returned to work in defense of the Islamists.
The Copts of Britain express their agreement and willingness to participate in the meeting of the wise.
Dr. Christian van Nispen criticized the ban of the Minister of Education to teach the book of Maxime Rodinson’s book Muhammad at the American University in Cairo after Salah Montassir criticized it in Al-Ahram of May 13, 1998. Salah Montassir believed the book constituted an attack on Islam but van...


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