Displaying 151 - 160 of 3499.
The article shows the reasons and repercussions to the recent republication of one of the 12 blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in many Danish and European newspapers just one day after Danish police declared that it foiled a plot to murder the cartoonist.
In a meeting with expatriate Copts in the U.S., Pope Shenouda asserted that there are problems for Copts in Egypt but denied claims that there is discrimination against Copts.
A report on Pope Shenouda’s meeting at the Egyptian Council in the United States.
Three clergymen are according to the author the front runners to the papacy. The laymen also have their word.
Jamāl As‘ad discusses the issue of the emigration of Christians from the Middle East to the West, and analyzes whether it is a normal consequence of certain socio-political and economic factors or there are conspiracies that target Muslim-Christian relations in this part of the world.
Sharīf al-Dawākhilī discusses the issue of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s frequent assurance that the pope is fine while according to al-Dawākhilī, the pope’s health has significantly deteriorated.
Mamdūh al-Shaykh criticizes the Islamic world’s silence to what he calls the ’atrocities’ of the Serbian Church against the Muslims of Kosovo who are on the verge of announcing their independence from Serbia.
Muhammad Hijāzī, the controversial convert to Christianity speaks for the first time to the Egyptian press. He announces the birth of his daughter and asserts that he will continue to fight to achieve official recognition of his conversion.
Drs. Hulsman discusses a number of articles that deal with a recent European Parliamentary resolution, highlighting the condition of human rights in Egypt, and the subsequent media uproar that followed in the Egyptian press. He further points to a number of articles that refer to the condition of...
‘Abīr ‘Atīyah reports on the statements of participants in a workshop organized by the One World Foundation for Development and Civil Society Care [No link found] entitled, ‘The future of Islam streams in the parliaments of the Arab world.’


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