Displaying 991 - 1000 of 1022.
The RNSAW is pleased to introduce to you a new member of the Board of Advisors: The Revd. Dr. John Watson. Dr. John Watson is an Anglican scholar who was intimately involved in the campaign to release Pope Shenouda, after the arrest in 1981. He has published more than 500 articles, and three small...
Dr. George Carey, the archbishop of Canterbury and the head of the Episcopal Church had been invited by the Grand Sheik of the Azhar and spoke about religious tolerance between Islam and Christianity.
For years, clerical and lay members of the Coptic Orthodox Church have criticized the authoritarian ways of Pope Shenouda III. The standard complaints, that he keeps church finances too close to his chest, refuses debate on issues like divorce, and is too quick to throw his opponents out of the...
Priest Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed had a very sarcastic pen. When some people tried to bring him and the Patriarch closer to each other, the Patriarch said that it was better for him not to open his case again or everything would be revealed. These words were the words of condemnations, not words of...
In the continuing absence of Pope Shenouda outside Egypt on a trip to America, the Orthodox Cathedral in Abbassia refused to give permission for prayers to be made over the dead body of the priest Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed pastor of the church of Mari Girgis [St. George] in El-Maadi, in any church of...
Hulsman asked three Evangelical pastors in Egypt to comment on the two Rose el-Yousef articles. These pastors are certainly not happy with the publications in Rose el-Yousef. Their criticism, however, focuses on the tensions between churches in Egypt and para-Christian organizations, the...
The RNSAW gave a summary of both Rose el-Yousef articles in RNSAW, week 28, edition July 9-15, 1999. Since several readers asked for the full text that text is given in this issue together with comments from Evangelical Egyptian church leaders. Wa’el Lotfi writes about the opposition of Egypt’s...
In every age and place there are men for sale... who are ready to sell their honor and conscience...but to sell their country and Church this is disgusting... and to sell their country and Church to who? This is more and more disgusting. The respectable family of Zaqlamah is not the only family...
Since the Egyptian media have frequently referred to the press conference on Christian girls allegedly being kidnapped the RNSAW decided to present here the full transcript of the discussion which took place in New York. The discussion was mainly with members of the American Coptic Union who had...
Dr. Nabila Micha’il protests that certain words attributed to Maurice Sadek in an interview with Rose El-Youssef are not true. But Rose El-Youssef says they have the tape of the interview with Sadek and that he has not sent a denial of what he said to Rose el-Youssef because he knows quite well...


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