Displaying 301 - 310 of 346.
The trial of suspects from the military involved in the virginity tests and the October 9 Maspero incidents before a court martial is underway, according to Maj. General 'Ādil al-Mursī, the president of the military judiciary organization. ['Alī Shām, Al-Ahrām, Dec. 21, p. 3] Read the original text...
The morning of elections, I marveled at the political acumen of the Muslim Brotherhood. By afternoon, I was disappointed. At polling stations across Egypt the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party volunteers manned tables equipped with laptop computers and logged into the voter registration...
I took a stroll through our neighborhood this morning to see the early activity surrounding our four public schools hosting parliamentary elections. Polls opened at 8am, and I crossed the street, walked a block, and began to observe. A few things stuck me immediately. First, a long line. Over 100...
Businessman Najīb Sawirus entered into a fresh heated battled, not with Islamists only but also with some liberal forces, to which he belong intellectually.
News is almost never as it appears.  On December 1st I went with investigative researcher and former lieutenant with the Egyptian coastal security Intelligence Rā’id al-Sharqāwī to Tahrīr square.  The square is currently blocked for traffic by perhaps 2,000 demonstrators asking people wanting to...
Results of the first round of Egypt's first post-Mubārak parliamentary elections, as announced by the High Judicial Elections Commission (HJEC) showed progress by the Democratic Alliance for Egypt, in which the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) obtained 40% of the votes, followed...
I’ve never thought for a single moment on January 28, 2011, known as the Friday of Anger, while I was marching with hundreds of thousands others screaming at the top of our lungs “Down with Mubārak!” that I was only paving the way for Islamists to make it to the corridors of power.  
As an American Christian in Egypt I find that I instinctively view events here through the following lens: Liberals are the good guys, Islamists are the bad guys, and the army is somewhere in between, perhaps neutral, perhaps not. Complicated times beg for simplistic narratives, and this one...
Earlier this year, Egyptian Coptic intellectual Dr. Rafīq Samuel Habīb was named as the vice president of Egypt's Freedom and Justice Party -the newly founded p
A primary accusation against the Muslim Brotherhood is that it is two-faced in its politics. Within Arab contexts the organization, it is said, promotes a radical Islamist agenda, yet when addressing Western audiences its discourse becomes more moderate. A comprehensive answer to this charge is not...


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