Displaying 111 - 120 of 136.
Cairo is hosting the first world conference on Muslim-Christian dialogue between the International Islamic Forum for Dialogue (IIFD) and the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC).
The Bible says “no divorce except for marital unfaithfulness.” Pope Shenouda insists on applying the Biblical text literally thinking, that he should obey God, not the people.
Despite the fact that feasts of Copts in Egypt are not associated with new moon as the feasts of Muslims, there was some confusion this year about Coptic Christmas which is celebrated on the 7th of January. Sources from the office of Pope Shenouda asserted that Christmas eve is January 6 while...
The press release summarizes the text of the charter the Arab Christian-Muslim Working Group which is working closely with the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC). The charter expresses a shared commitment of Muslims and Christians to engage energetically in "working together to promote...
Rumors say that Pope Shenouda cancelled the celebration of his joining the monastic order because of the sad times the Church is living through due to Al-Nabaa crisis. Others believe that he did so as an attempt to get a stronger verdict against Al-Nabaa’s Editor-in-Chief. The correct explanation...
The leaders of eastern churches are to meet at the Middle East Council of Churches in Cairo to join in the Coptic Church’s celebrations of 30 years of Pope Shenouda III being in the chair of Saint Mark.
The Syrian president welcomed Pope Shenouda, the Patriarch of Antioch, the president of the Evangelical Council, the Archbishop of Baalbak and the General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches. He praised the patriotic stance of Pope Shenouda.
The Middle East Council of Churches has organized a new series of Muslim-Christian debates to take place during a conference to be held in Kuwait between November 5 and 9.
The Middle East Council of Churches held its meetings in Iran this time. The Council’s leaders had a Christian-Muslim dialogue with Iranian leaders regarding the Palestinian case as well as issuing a statement condemning the Israeli attacks on the original inhabitants of the country.
The author replies to Soheir Labib A’azer’s comment on his article "The Pope and the apology." A’azer believed that most of what the author wrote was incorrect and was prejudiced against the Pope. However, the author stressed that he did not lower the importance of what the Pope did.


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