Displaying 21 - 30 of 43.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood (MB) denied its involvement in any of the religious campaigns calling for a "Yes" vote in the upcoming constitutional referendum. Due to it's previous use of religious slogans in parliamentary elections, for example “Islam is the solution” in 2005, the MB was suspected to...
Agence France Presse's report on the burning of the church of the Two Martyrs St. Mina and St. George; also covered in Jordan Times.  
The death toll of the Alexandria church attack has risen to 23. However, while the official Middle East News Agency (MENA) counts 23 deaths, the Egyptian Health Ministry says the death toll is only 18. The identity of the perpetrator(s) is still not known, but the article states that it is likely...
This article sheds light on the different viewpoints about the application of hadd to apostates in Islam
The article discusses Egyptian reactions to the European Parliament resolution, which criticized Egypt’s human rights record.
Two meetings were recently organized to discuss religious fanaticism between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. Participants in the two meetings recommended equality and balance in the rights and duties of Muslims and Christians.
Last Friday, Amīna Wadoud, an associate professor of Islamic studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, led about 150 men and women in prayers in New York City, amid growing opposition from several Islamic organizations.
Egyptian TV series ?Knight without a Horse,? is still raising an issue. Egypt and other Arab countries have aired the series despite Israeli objection and American pressure. The American and Israeli embassies in Egypt decided to watch the series to judge whether it contains anything that can be...
Egypt was angry about the stormy reactions that broke following the sentence given to Saad Eddin Ibrahim. The ruling renewed tension between Egypt and the U.S., which considers Ibrahim an American human rights activist. It condemned the ruling and started a new verbal war against the Cairo...
This review deals with Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī’s latest remarks in which he described the Ḥijāb as "a relapse backward," stimulating public controversy and anger in parliament. The ruling party, opposition and independents agreed on the need to have the minister tender his resignation...


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