Displaying 41 - 50 of 302.
A number of Coptic activists have started a campaign on social networking sites titled, “No to inviting the killers to the Cathedral”. The campaign was launched in order to demand that the Church reconsider inviting President Muḥammad Mursī, Prime Minister Hishām Qandīl, and speaker of the Shūrā...
During a Defence and Security Committee held Monday, April 22 at the Shūrá Council, Dr. Samir Marcos (Samīr Marqus), an assistant to the former President, emphasized that Egypt has witnessed armed violence against Copts and the Church for the last thirty years.The Committee was called for in order...
Yesterday I received the unexpected news that Ezzat al-Salamony (ʿIzzat al-Salāmunī) died ... back in August. He was a leader in al-Gama'a al-Islamiya (the Islamic Group), designated a terrorist entity by the United States. I was able to interview him a couple of times.
This report is on the formation of the Egyptian Constitution of 2012 and was commissioned by the German organization Missio who translated it into German for publication in Germany.
This interview was organized by Diana Serôdio and took place on February 23th 2013. It aimed at grasping George Masīḥa's perspective - as former Parliament and Constituent Assembly member - on the process through which the new Constitution came into being so it would be taken into account for a...
 The Parliamentary Elections in Egypt are planned for the people, but the exact date is yet to be announced by President Muḥammad Mursī
Transcript of an interview with Dr. Essam Al-Haddad on government efforts to stabilize the country since this is a pre-requisite to get Egypt out of its current economic difficulties. Thus questions addressed much repeated critiques on the Mursī administration.
The website EgyptSource, run by the Atlantic Council, recently invited me to publish two articles on the Salafi movement. Excerpts and brief commentary are provided below, along with the links to explore the full articles on their site.
Shūrá Council resume its sessions on September 3, 2012 to discuss the preliminary report about foreign funds prepared by the combined committee, consisting of: Committee for Arab and Foreign Affairs, National Security Committee, Legislative and Constitutional Committee, Manpower Development...


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