Displaying 441 - 450 of 513.
A group known as The Coptic Group for Church Reformation has led a vicious attack against Bishop Bishoy, demanding the elimination of his entourage, which has been a bad influence on Pope Shenouda and isolated him from his congregation.
Pope Shenouda is known for his patriotic views, his love of Egypt and his wisdom in the face of problems. He feels that it is his duty to guarantee peace to all Egyptians not only Copts and he has always been proud that he was raised by a Muslim family.
The problem of the unrestricted power of those high up in the Egyptian Church resurfaces once in a while. A situation in which a bishop has the power to dictate his orders at will, cause trouble for many people and still keep his position can have disastrous consequences for the church.
The Pope can no longer hide his health problems. At the Wednesday audience he was sitting in a wheelchair. Pope Shenouda’s repeated visits to the U.S. to undergo medical examinations have raised the question of who will succeed the 80-year-old Pope[Editor: he is 82!].
News of the inauguration of the first female priest in France yet adds to the shock waves sent to Egypt’s Orthodox Church from the West, after past announcements on the ordainment of a homosexual priest, the sanctioning of same-sex marriage and late Pope John Paul II’s statements exculpating the...
The statement of the Holy Synod about the impeachment of Bishop Mitias – Bishop of Mahalla – was full of illogical slips and contradictions.
After Pope Shenouda III, Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, accepted the resignation of Bishop Mitias - Bishop of Greater Mahalla – on April 22, the Mahalla Church came under the direct guardianship of the Pope, assisted by Bishop Bīshouy – Bishop of Damietta.
Rā’id al-Sharqāwī reports about the Holy Synod meeting of June 18 that decided to dismiss Coptic Orthodox Bishop Mattias.
Hundreds of Copts from al-Mahalla have demonstrated in front of the Saint Mark Cathedral in Cairo.
Forty-six-year-old Ms Costantin left home as usual on Saturday 27 November to go to work at the local office of the Agricultural Reform Authority where she is an agriculturalist, and has not been seen since. She was reported missing at the local police station.


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