Displaying 41 - 50 of 63.
The Muslim Brotherhood misinterpreted the messages from the US to be supportive, and thus raised the volume of their opposition. The US backed off and the Brotherhood cadres were arrested.
Muslim Brotherhood chief Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif said Rice’s statements dismissing contacts or relations between Washington and the group assert the fact that they have never had ties with the US as propagated by the Egyptian government.
Someone asked me : “Will Max Michael and his church succeed in attracting new members, and will it affect the Orthodox Church under His Holiness Pope Shenouda?”
Human rights activist Rā’id al-Sharqāwī disputes claims of the US Copts Association that a priest from al-Zaqāzīq was murdered through a car accident.
The Belgian Minister of Social Affairs was criticized for wearing a veil in an iftar celebration hosted by an Islamic feminine association. The minister wondered whether a politician would be attacked for visiting the Jewish community and wearing the Jewish cap. She added she would not have been...
In this article, Rihāb al-Shāzlī publishes the comments of a number of political and civil society activists on their dialogue with the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during her last visit to Egypt. Their statements focused on government corruption and reform in Egypt, as well as political...
Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten reiterated its apology to the Muslim world over the cartoons it had published on September 30, 2005, which nourished antagonistic sentiments against Denmark. However, the newspaper editor Carsten Juste refused to pledge to not publish any more articles or cartoons...
The Muslim Brotherhood’s murshid [guide], Mahdī Muhammad ‘Ākif said that insinuations about alleged relations between the Brotherhood and the United States are just nonsense.
A decisive confrontation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States over minorities’ religious rights is in the cards, but a recent decision to postpone sanctions shows the impact of oil prices on U.S. policy.
Some have been lately hurling accusations against the Orthodox Church following the impact of Max Michel, an Egyptian Christian who built a church built in al-Moqattam area outside the authority of Pope Shenouda III, the Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark..


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