Displaying 31 - 40 of 41.
There is a relationship of a special kind between the nation and the Copts. That relationship was represented in individual Copts who were rich or highly educated who had special relationships with the governor. The author is of the opinion that if a group of Muslim and Christian wise men is formed...
The Copts Daily Digest published on July 8 an attack of Dr. Raafat Labeeb on an article of Mustafa Mahmoud in Al-Ahram a day earlier. Dr. Mahmoud wrote in that article that the Torah mentions nothing about the afterlife because Jewish rabbis had deleted everything from the original text to that...
The author believes that this crisis was engineered as a way for outside bodies to become involved in Egypt’s internal affairs. He questions the aims behind publishing the article and the timing. He claims it was not an attack on Copts but on the whole of Egypt and national unity.
Academic article on the impact of the Coptic lobby outside Egypt, a relatively small group of people who use the latest communication technology to increase their voice.
Some members of the Islamic bloc are asking questions about the Ministry of the Interior, the head of the Supreme Council of the Press and the head of the Shura Council’s failure to execute court judgments in the case of Al-Shaab newspaper. The deputy general secretary of the Labor Party said that...
The Egyptian press remained quiet for a short period until the burst of controversy was generated as a result of the Thomas Friedman article in the New York Times on August 1st, article attacking Hosni Mubarak’s policies on the Camp David-II Summit, the corruption of the Egyptian government and its...
The Council delegated Mr. Ibrahim Nafie, Chairman of the Syndicate, to convey a message to the President of the Republic and to arrange a series of meetings with key personnel to assure financial and job security for the journalists affected by the closing down of Al-Shaab newspaper.
After mentioning the reasons that made him refuse to publish Adel Hussein’s article about the novel "A Banquet for Seaweed," Ibrahim Nafie explained his position concerning the novel. In addition, Nafie criticized the way Al-Shaab and Hussein dealt with the novel. Nafie concluded his article by...
Some 200 Egyptian journalists staged a sit-in at the headquarters of their syndicate on August 21, to protest the imprisonment of three of their colleagues and call for the abrogation of laws they said stifle press freedom and inhibit free speech.
The press release criticizes the two previous Al Ahram articles and calls Hulsman "a double agent for the Egyptian government" who is afraid of being expelled from Egypt. The press release believes the letter Nafaa referred to in his article is a fabrication. They are upset because the Nafaa’s...


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