Displaying 131 - 140 of 192.
The article gives a brief overview of the history of Mustafa Mashhour, late general guide of the Brotherhood, with the group. The role he played in re-creating the Brotherhood is not less significant than the role of Hassan Al-Banna, its founder.
The political speech of the Brotherhood since the early 1990s reveals a new awareness that violence leads to an impasse. With the leadership of Al-Hudaiby, the Brotherhood will be more mature in dealing with the State. It will also have a historical chance to re-introduce itself to the Arab...
Some Brotherhood members believe that the group needs a kind of ideological renovation like that of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya. Other members believe that the Brotherhood does not have anything to apologize for, and that it did not cause any harm to society at any time, which is not the case for...
Hamid Abdel Majid was deposed from the Muslim Brotherhood´s political division because of a critical study published in an Arab magazine. He criticized Brotherhood leaders, describing them as having the same defects as the rulers of Arab and Islamic regimes. Brotherhood members denounced the...
Salah Hashim, the founder of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya spoke about the Gama´at since its foundation in Assiut, the role the then governor of Assiut played in relation to the formation of the Gama´at and their disputes with the Muslim Brotherhood. He supports the corrective review of the ideologies of...
The article tries to answer some questions about modern preachers, such as, Amr Khaled. These questions are: Do Egyptian families entrust their children to them because they attract the attention of young people from moral deviation and from joining terrorist groups? Or do they, in a way, pave the...
A symposium on "the secularization of the state," organized under the aegis of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, has turned into a Coptic-Muslim Brotherhood debate on canceling the second article of the Egyptian constitution, which makes Islam the state religion, and Islamic sharī‘a the...
The author reviews a book that tackles the history of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, particularly during the 1970s.
The author provides a commentary on the Muslim Brotherhood, criticizing its actions and beliefs, and warning that it is gaining substantial ground toward becoming the political leaders of perhaps multiple Arab nations.
A meeting was held to probe ways to modernize the Egyptian society through joint cooperation between young Muslim and Christian people, and to revive the spirit of camaraderie between them.


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