Displaying 21 - 30 of 447.
As an Italian who has lived in Alexandria of Egypt for one year, every time I go back to this Mediterranean city, I feel extremely welcomed. Many inhabitants of Alexandria are willing to share with me their experience of interaction with the numerous Italians that once lived in that city. Similarly...
  The visual artist Injī Aflāṭūn, whose birthday was honored by Google Doodle, was born on April 16th, 1924, and passed away on April 1989.
Amid dense security measures of police and armed forces, al-Gharbia Governorate witnessed a large turnout in several of it cities, whereas the number of voters in the village was not as large. It was reported that judges who were due to supervise the voting arrived late. Noteworthy is the large...
Political and social theorist Sir Isaiah Berlin famously compared nationalism to a ‘bent twig’, ‘forced down so severely that when released, it lashed back wit
In his address before the imāms and preachers on Thursday (October 25), President Mursī said the Ummah (Nation) will never rise without a conviction, as if the Egyptian society has never known convictions and faiths before the Muslim Brotherhood made their way to power.
Constitution expert Ibrāhīm Darwīsh, however, said the decision was a grave mistake committed against Egypt and ran counter to the constitutional legitimacy the president was sworn in.  
The New York Times reviewed the life story of Doria Shafik [Durriyā Shafīq] who led Egypt’s women’s liberation movement in the mid-1940s; she is the founder of a feminist organization, and earned a doctorate in philosophy from the Sorbonne University. Shafīq was also the editor-in-chief of two...
ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Nāṣir said that the deceased leader achieved freedom and social justice and ensured education and health for all citizens without distinction. The revolution he led is "purely humanitarian" as he expressed.
One of the oldest and most important churches in the republic and the world, and was part of the journey of the Holy Family in Egypt. According to priest Mattiyās Murīs, the church was prepared under the supervision of Patriarch Buṭrus Buṭrus Basṭūrūs, under-Secretary General of the Diocese of Kafr...


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