Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
In an interview with Copts-United, Dr. Reverend Rifʿat Fikrī, president of the Synod of the Nile – The High Council of the Evangelical Church, discussed his new book entitled, “Religious Reform in the West and the East,” on the occasion celebrating 500 years since Martin Luther. 
The Egyptian Church celebrated the 80th birthday of Pope Shenouda III. On this occasion, four newspapers shed light on different aspects of the life of the pope.
The author continues writing about religious groups in the US. In this article, he speaks about Protestant churches: The Presbyterian Church, the African Methodist Church and the Mormon Church.
The author continues his series about Protestant churches. He starts the story of John Calvin after finishing that of Martin Luther.
Father Marcos Aziz Khalil of the Hanging Church began a series of articles in Al-Midan newspaper under the title "The Secrets Behind the Conflicts between Christian Denominations." He criticizes Protestant churches and warns members of the Orthodox Church against their teachings. The series is in...
The brutal practices of Israel against the Palestinians and America´s blessing of such practices cannot be understood without a careful examination of the situation of the three revealed religions in the USA and in the Arab world. Such an examination is needed to be able to start a dialogue...
A review of a book by author Andreas Baumann, showing that being an advocate of Christian missionary work also can result in a critical self-reflection.
A discussion of the concepts of sin and shame in Martin Lomen’s study "Sünde und Schande im biblischen und islamischen Kontext: Ein ethno-hermeneutischer Beitrag zum christlich-muslimischen Dialog” [Sin and shame in the biblical and Islamic context: An ethnic-hermeneutic contribution to Christian-...
The author describes the origin of the Evangelical church of Egypt as well as its patriotic stand towards Egypt.
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